Cash in your pocket.
Making ends meet that bit easier
Our Enhancing Lives team provide a range of advice, information, and advocacy support.
We know it can be very difficult to admit you are struggling, but our trained team have years of experience and promise to provide a professional, courteous and effective support programme to help you achieve the positive changes you want...
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Help in your home.
Staying safe and independent with the help you want
The majority of the work we do with older people involves help around the home. As people age simple tasks might appear daunting, or it may be that the amount of work around the house becomes impossible to manage. Here at Age Concern Luton...
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Fun with your friends.
Enjoying life and doing the things you want to do
Being able to make friendships, socialise and play an active role locally has an amazing affect on people’s happiness. We know (because older people all tell us!) that the most important part of any club is not the venue, food or the activities but is always the company!...
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Back on your feet.
Helping you at those times you need it most
At certain times in your life you might need a lot of help for a short period of time. With our partners at the Clinical Commisioning Group, Luton & Dunstable Hospital, and local health services, we’ve developed a Meet & Greet service for people returning home after a stay in hospital or respite care....
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